Shruthi A <> wrote:

> I have 2 tables (A and B) where the table B has a foreign key reference to
> table A.   Like this:

> create table A (x int primary key);
> create table B (y int primary key, z int references A (x) );

> As you can see, i've not specified any further 'on delete' clause to the
> foreign key constraint like 'on delete cascade' or 'on delete restrict' or
> 'on delete set null' or 'on delete set default'.   This means that the
> default behavior is followed ie 'on delete restrict' holds by default.

> Now I want to delete a particular row from table A.  Is there any way I can
> force deletion of all the dependent rows in table B?

> Note that the tables have already been created in the above manner and
> populated.  I want to do this deletion through DML only ie without any
> change in the table definition.

"DELETE FROM B WHERE z = 'your x';"?


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