zkn <z...@abv.bg> writes:
> I have a weird problem with batch insert. It works fine on my development 
> machine but when I upload to the server it fails. Here is the log:

> DEBUG [http-8443-2] - {conn-100123} Preparing Statement: insert into 
> target_filters_sections (filter_id, section_id) values (?, ?) , (?, ?) 

> DEBUG [http-8443-2] - Unable to translate SQLException with SQL state 
> '42601', error code '0, will now try the fallback translator

42601 is a syntax error, although I think you ought to complain to
somebody about the fact that your tools don't show you the actual server
error message.

> Postgre version on the server 8.1 on development 8.3

8.1 does not support multiple rows in a VALUES construct.

                        regards, tom lane

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