I don't think so.
Oracle - 
SQL> select count(*) over () as ROWCOUNT , first_name from people;

         6 Mary
         6 Mary
         6 John
         6 John
         6 John
         6 Jacob

6 rows selected.

postgres=# select count(*) over () as ROWCOUNT , first_name from people;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "over"
LINE 1: select count(*) over () as ROWCOUNT , first_name from people...

From:   Thomas Kellerer <spam_ea...@gmx.net>
To:     pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
Date:   26/03/2010 03:26
Subject:        Re: [SQL] SQL syntax rowcount value as an extra column in 
the result set
Sent by:        pgsql-sql-ow...@postgresql.org

Snyder, James wrote on 25.03.2010 22:33:

> I’m using PostgreSQL (8.4.701)
There is no such version.
The current version is 8.4.3

> On a side note, Oracle allows the following syntax to achieve the above:
> select count(*) over () as ROWCOUNT , first_name from people
The same syntax will work on Postgres


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