Howdy, Adrian,
Please see my questions below

snps table

id   |   sample_id | chromosome | from  | to |
1         1                chr1             10       11
2          1              chr1               14       15
3          2              chr1               14       15
4         2               chr1                9         10
5         3              chr1                14        15
6          3             chr14              35        36
7          3             chr14              39        40
8          2             chr14              39        40
9          2             chr14              43        44
10        1             chr14              43        44

gene table:

id |   chromosome | from | to  | genename
1         chr1            4       20    SRC
2         chr1           25      45    SRC
3         chr1           80      100   CSK
4         chr1          120     140   CSK

My aim is to for a gene in gene table (SRC that has two ranges 4-20 and 25-45),
I want to map all coordinates in snps table.

Please advice me,
What do you call coordinates to, exactly? Sorry, my genetics knowledge is very poor.
You call the from and to fields coordinates?
Do they have the same meaning as the from and to fields from table snps ?
What does it mean to map all coordinates in table snps?
Do you wanna know which  entries from snps map in the SRC gene?
Coordinates are the segment where the gene/sample fit in the chromosome? Is my understanding correct ?

Then I want to get those entries where sample 1 and sample 2 have in
common and sample 1 and sampl3 in common.

Could you give an example of your desired output, for the data you have ?

I do not know how to get these entries. Could any one help me please.

thank you.



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