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On 10/30/2010 11:49 PM, Viktor Bojović wrote:
> Hi,
> i have very big XML documment which is larger than 50GB and want to import
> it into databse, and transform it to relational schema.
> When splitting this documment to smaller independent xml documments i get
> ~11.1mil XML documents.
> I have spent lots of time trying to get fastest way to transform all this
> data but every time i give up because it takes too much time. Sometimes more
> than month it would take if not stopped.
> I have tried to insert each line as varchar into database and parse it using
> plperl regex..
> also i have tried to store every documment as XML and parse it, but it is
> also to slow.
> i have tried to store every documment as varchar but it is also slow when
> using regex to get data.
> many tries have failed because 8GB of ram and 10gb of swap were not enough.
> also sometimes i get that more than 2^32 operations were performed, and
> functions stopped to work.
> i wanted just to ask if someone knows how to speed this up.
> thanx in advance

Use a SAX-parser and handle the endElement(String name) events to insert
the element's content into your db.

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Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@officenet.no>
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