On Thursday 30 December 2010 2:14:23 pm Tony Capobianco wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm successfully executing the below:
> create role developer login;
> alter role developer set default_tablespace=dev;
> alter role developer set search_path=dev,staging, esave, support, email,
> public;
> grant select on members to developer;
> grant create on schema dev to developer;
> However, when I do this:
> psql (8.4.5, server 8.4.2)
> Type "help" for help.
> esave_dw=> \d members
> Did not find any relation named "members".
> esave_dw=>
> esave_dw=> \d esave.members
>                      Table "esave.members"
>        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers
> ---------------------+-----------------------------+-----------
>  memberid            | numeric                     | not null
>  etc....
> How can I get this so I don't have to preface the \d with the schema
> name every time?
> Thanks.
> Tony

Did you log out and then back in as developer?  Per:
"The remaining variants change a role's session default for a configuration 
variable, either for all databases or, when the IN DATABASE clause is 
specified, only for sessions in the named database. Whenever the role 
subsequently starts a new session, the specified value becomes the session 
default, overriding whatever setting is present in postgresql.conf or has been 
received from the postgres command line."

Adrian Klaver

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