On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:20 PM, Amitabh Kant <amitabhk...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to write a function which is being called from a trigger used
> for partitioning a large table. The partitioning is to happen based on an
> integer field (testing_id). A simplified structure of what I am trying to do
> is written below.
> Create Table tbltesting(
>  testing_id int not null,
>  testing_name character varying(255));
> Create table tbltesting1(check(testing_id = 1)) inherits(tbltesting);
> Create table tbltesting2(check(testing_id = 2)) inherits(tbltesting);
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partition_insert_trigger()
> DECLARE id integer ;
>     id := NEW.testing_id;
>     INSERT INTO tbltesting'||id||' VALUES (NEW.*);   //Problem line, not
> sure what syntax to use here
> END;
> $$
> LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> CREATE TRIGGER partition_trigger
>     BEFORE INSERT ON tbltesting
>     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE partition_insert_trigger();
> Creating tables or child tables is not a problem and the trigger works fine
> if the function has static definitions. What I am trying to achieve is use
> the new testing_id to create a table name for use in the insert statement.
> If I am able to use the variable in the table name, I would not have to
> re-declare the function each time with modified conditions for each separate
> testing_id.
> With regards
> Amitabh
Forgot to add that I am using 8.4.

With regards


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