John Fabiani, 23.09.2011 04:49:
I need to find the max(date) of a field but I need that value later in my

If I
select max(x.date_field) as special_date from (select date_field) from table
where ...)x

I get one row and column.

But now I want to use that field in the rest of the query

select y.*,  max(x.date_field) as special_date from (select date_field) from
table where ...)x
from aTable y where y.somefield = special_date.

The above only returns one row and one column the "special_date."

Not sure I undersand you correctly, but shouldn't the following be doing what 
you want:

FROM table y
WHERE y.somefield = (SELECT max(x.date_field)
                     FROM table x
                     WHERE ...)


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