Marcin Mirosław wrote on 30.12.2011 12:07:
Would be nice to have an option in PostgreSQL something along the lines
of:  'abort-transaction-on-constraint-violation = false'....

That option is called MySQL with MyISAM tables.

Not true.

Oracle and others (I believe at least DB2) behave such that you can
insert a bunch of rows and if one or more throw a constraint violation,
the transaction can still be committed persisting those that do not
violate the constraint.

isn't this option: ?

Not that's something different.
It would still prevent comitting the transaction if the constraint check fails 
at the end.

This strict transaction concept is somewhat irritating when you come from other 
DBMS (such as Oracle or DB2).
Using savepoints is the only option to "simulate" that behaviour in PostgreSQL 
(and then the constraints need to be immediate)


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