On Dec 30, 2011, at 21:53, John Poole <jlpool...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to create a custom data type for phone numbers where
> I have a primary phone number and then an array of additional
> phone numbers qualified by certain types.
> Below is a set of SQL commands I used to set up my custom
> types.  I am unable to insert into the array field and wonder
> if I have found a bug, or I'm just missing some basic technique.
> Here is the error I receive when trying to insert into the array field:
> ERROR:  cannot cast type record[] to phonenumber_type
> LINE 2: ...22222,'office'), (3333333,'cell'),(4444444,'eve')]::phonenum...
> Can someone provide me an example of how to insert one or more
> records into the secondary array component of the type or provide
> some light on creating a custom type that would hold two fields:
> 1) a single type
> 2) an array of types  (this field may be null)
> Thank you.
> John Poole
> =================================================
> Here is the SQL to recreate my attempt:
> --
> -- Creating a custom data type and inserting/updating example
> --
> -- create database demo_typestudy1;
> create type phoneattribute_type as ENUM
> ('home','office','day','eve','mobile','fax');
> create type phonenumber_type as
> (numbers int,
> phone_type phoneattribute_type
> );
> create type contactphone_type as
> (primarynumber phonenumber_type,
> othernumbers phonenumber_type ARRAY
> );
> create table people
> (id integer PRIMARY KEY,
> username text NOT NULL UNIQUE,
> phone contactphone_type
> );
> --
> -- create a record w/o phone
> --
> insert into people
> (id, username)
> (1,'bob');
> --
> -- add the custom data type: contactphone, just the primary and no other
> -- we'll try adding array values later
> --
> update people
> set phone = ((1234567899,'home'),NULL)
> where id = 1;
> --
> -- also more qualified
> --
> update people
> set phone = ROW(ROW(1234567899,'home'),NULL)
> where id = 1;
> --
> -- most qualified (with casting)
> --
> update people
> set phone = CAST(ROW(CAST(ROW(1234567899,'home') as phonenumber_type),NULL)
>   as contactphone_type)
> where id = 1;
> --
> -- view it
> --
> select phone
> from people where id = 1;
> --
> -- try adding to the array field
> -- replace the primary and add additional phone numbers
> -- This is where things go awry.
> --
> update people
> set phone = CAST(ROW(CAST(ROW(1111111,'home') as
> phonenumber_type),ARRAY[(2222222,'office'),
> (3333333,'cell'),(4444444,'eve')]::phonenumber_type)
>   as contactphone_type)
> where id = 1;

... ,ARRAY[ ... ]::phonenumber_type[]

You need to cast to an array of the type which is done by adding the trailing 
brackets to the type.

Also, your CREATE TYPE syntax (the "othernumbers phonenumber_type ARRAY" part) 
is something I have not yet seen.  Where did you see this? I would have 
expected it to read "othernumbers phonenumber_type[]"; without the word ARRAY.

David J.

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