hi ,
whats wrong with this function , i am getting syntax error which is syntax 
error at or near "+="
LINE 13:  set sql += ' bpoverlap, centredistance from vwchrcomparesit...
how this problem can be solved. 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getsitesbytfid(user_datadetailid int, kb_id 
int,bp_overlap int,chr_ varchar ,centre_distance int)
RETURNS table(chr_u varchar,start_u int,end_u int,region_size_u int,chr_kb 
varchar,start_kb int ,end_kb int,region_size_kb int,bpoverlap 
int,centredistance int)
DECLARE sql varchar ;

        if centre_distance= NULL THEN
        set centre_distance = 1;
        set sql = 'select chr_u, start_u, end_u, regionsize_u, chr_kb, 
start_kb, end_kb, regionsize_kb, ';
        set sql += ' bpoverlap, centredistance from vwchrcomparesites   where 
userdatadetailid=' + user_datadetailid  
        set sql += ' and bpoverlap>=' + bp_overlap 
        set sql += ' and kbid=' + kb_id         
        if chr_<>'all' and isnull(chr_,'')<>''
                set @sql += ' and chr_u=''' + chr_  +''''
        if (centre_distance<>'') 
                set sql += ' and (centredistance<=' + centre_distance + ' or ' 
+ centre_distance + '=1) '
        set sql += ' order by  chr_u, start_u'

language plpgsql;

 From: Filip RembiaƂkowski <plk.zu...@gmail.com>
To: Rehan Saleem <pk_re...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: "pgsql-sql@postgresql.org" <pgsql-sql@postgresql.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [SQL] How to convert SQL store procedure to Postgresql function
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Rehan Saleem <pk_re...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi ,
> how can i convert this sql store procedure to postgresql function , i shall
> be very thankful to you, as i am new to postgresql and i dont know how to
> handle this kind of store procedure in postgresql

Most people handle this with user-defined functions (UDF) written in
PL/PgSQL procedural language.

Try to read The Friendly Manual

Don't worry - all Transact-SQL constructs have their equivalent.

Just start rewriting your function and begin asking specific questions
here... People will help.

I would begin with

create or replace function sp_GetUserByID( in_UserId varchar(50), ...)
returns varchar(50)
language plpgsql as $$
return somevariable;


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