Carlos Mennens wrote on 11.04.2012 19:50:
I'm trying to update a customer record in a table however I need to
change several values (cust_address, cust_contact, cust_email). My
question is how do I properly format this into one single command?

forza=# SELECT cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_contact, cust_email
forza-# FROM customers
forza-# WHERE cust_name = 'iamUNIX'
forza-# ;
   cust_id   | cust_name |     cust_address      |  cust_contact  |
  1000000006 | MobileNX   | 200 South Shore Drive | Carlos Mennens |
(1 row)

I did a quick Google search and I can see there is a method or
procedure which involves parenthesis () however I'm not sure how I
would change all the values listed above under one command. Can anyone
please give me a quick example so I can see how this is drawn out via

UPDATE customers
   SET cust_address = 'foo',
       cust_contact = 'Arthur',
       cust_email = ''
WHERE cust_name = 'iamUNIX'

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