Am 25.04.2012 00:04, schrieb Joe Conway:
On 04/24/2012 02:42 PM, David Johnston wrote:
You must specify the output record structure:

SELECT crosstab(text, text) AS ( col1_name col1_type [, colN_name
colN_type]* )

Whether this relates to the “materialization node” message you are
receiving I have no idea.
The error is because you are selecting from a set returning function in
the target list rather than the from clause. It should be more like:

SELECT * FROM crosstab(text, text) AS ( col1_name col1_type [, colN_name
colN_type]* )

OK now i get at least some result.
1) I need to know how many categories will apear to construct the target list. This is a wee bit of a problem as this number is actually dynamic.

2) There are some rows in the resulting list with empty columns within the row. When I execute the first query for a parent ID that has gaps in the crosstab I see it shows no gaps in the categories when called outside crosstab(). E.g. it dumps x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 when called seperately but crosstab() shows
x1, x2, null, null, x5, null, x6, x7

How does this make sense ?

Thanks for the answers so far   :)

select  *
    crosstab (
        parent_id                    as  row_name,
'x' || row_number() over ( partition by parent_id order by child_id ) as category,
        child_id          as  value
    order by 1
    select 'x' || generate_series(1, 15) as  category  order by 1
as result (
    row_name    integer,
    x1          integer,
    x2          integer,
    x3          integer,
    x4          integer,
    x5          integer,
    x6          integer,
    x7          integer,
    x8          integer,
    x9          integer,
    x10         integer,
    x11         integer,
    x12         integer,
    x13         integer,
    x14         integer,
    x15         integer

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