Gary Stainburn, 23.05.2012 11:47:
Here is a select to show the problem. There is one stock record and two tax
records. What I'm looking for is how I can return only the second tax record,
the one with the highest ud_id

select s_stock_no, s_regno, s_vin, s_created, ud_id, ud_handover_date from
stock s left outer join used_diary u on s.s_regno = u.ud_pex_registration
where s_stock_no = 'UL15470';

  s_stock_no | s_regno |       s_vin       |         s_created          |
ud_id | ud_handover_date
  UL15470    | YG12*** | KNADN312LC6****** | 2012-05-21 09:15:31.569471 |
41892 | 2012-04-06
  UL15470    | YG12*** | KNADN312LC6****** | 2012-05-21 09:15:31.569471 |
42363 | 2012-05-16
(2 rows)

Something like:

select *
from (
    select s_stock_no,
           row_number() over (partition by s_stock_no order by ud_id desc) as rn
    from stock s
      left outer join used_diary u on s.s_regno = u.ud_pex_registration
    where s_stock_no = 'UL15470'
) t
where rn = 1

The "partition by s_stock_no order" isn't really necessary as your where clause 
already limits that to a single stock_no.
But in case you change that statement to return more than one stock_no in the 
future it will be necessary.

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