
I'm planning to centralize all db maintenance jobs from a single
pl/pgsql function called by cron every 15 minutes (highest frequency
required by a list of jobs). In pseudo code:

CREATE or replace FUNCTION cron_jobs() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
        rec record;
/*      update tbl1 every 15 minutes*/
        select name, modified from job_last_update where name='tbl1' into rec;
        if not found or rec.modified + interval '15 minutes' < now() then
                perform tbl1_job();
                update job_last_update set modified=now() where name='tbl1';
        end if;

/*      update tbl2 every 2 hours */
        select name, modified from job_last_update where name='tbl2' into rec;
        if not found or rec.modified + interval '2 hours' < now() then
                perform tbl2_job();
                update job_last_update set modified=now() where name='tbl2';
        end if;

/*      etc, etc.*/

The 'job_last_update' table holds the last time a job was completed.

Is this a good way to do it?


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