hi andreas,

this might give you an idea how to generate series of dates (or other 

select g, (current_date + (g||' month')::interval)::date from 
generate_series(1,12) g;


Am 22.01.2013 um 22:41 schrieb Andreas <maps...@gmx.net>:

> Hi
> I need a series of month numbers like  201212, 201301 YYYYMM to join other 
> sources against it.
> I've got a table that describes projects:
> projects ( id INT, project TEXT, startdate DATE )
> and some others that log events
> events( project_id INT, createdate DATE, ...)
> to show some statistics I have to count events and present it as a view with 
> the project name and the month as YYYYMM starting with startdate of the 
> projects.
> My problem is that there probaply arent any events in a month but I still 
> need this line in the output.
> So somehow I need to have a select that generates:
> project 7,201211
> project 7,201212
> project 7,201301
> It'd be utterly cool to get this for every project in the projects table with 
> one select.
> Is there hope?
> -- 
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