
Have you considered maybe ltree datatype?


I think it solves a lot of problems in topic....

Kind regards,


On Friday, February 15, 2013, Don Parris wrote:

> Hi all,
> I posted to this list some time ago about working with a hierarchical
> category structure.   I had great difficulty with my problem and gave up
> for a time.  I recently returned to it and resolved a big part of it.  I
> have one step left to go, but at least I have solved this part.
> Here is the original thread (or one of them):
> http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAJ-7yonw4_qDCp-ZNYwEkR2jdLKeL8nfGc+-TLLSW=rmo1v...@mail.gmail.com
> Here is my recent blog post about how I managed to show my expenses summed
> and grouped by a mid-level category:
> http://dcparris.net/2013/02/13/hierarchical-categories-rdbms/
> Specifically, I wanted to sum and group expenses according to categories,
> not just at the bottom tier, but at higher tiers, so as to show more
> summarized information.  A CEO primarily wants to know the sum total for
> all the business units, yet have the ability to drill down to more detailed
> levels if something is unusually high or low.  In my case, I could see the
> details, but not the summary.  Well now I can summarize by what I refer to
> as the 2nd-level categories.
> Anyway, I hope this helps someone, as I have come to appreciate - and I
> mean really appreciate - the challenge of working with hierarchical
> structures in a 2-dimensional RDBMS.  If anyone sees something I should
> explain better or in more depth, please let me know.
> Regards,
> Don
> --
> D.C. Parris, FMP, Linux+, ESL Certificate
> Minister, Security/FM Coordinator, Free Software Advocate
> http://dcparris.net/ 
> <https://www.xing.com/profile/Don_Parris><http://www.linkedin.com/in/dcparris>
> GPG Key ID: F5E179BE

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