On 08/03/2013 07:26 AM, F Bax wrote:
I have a table containing tasks completed in a game I'm playing. The game includes an extra BINGO Challenge where each cell of standard BINGO card contains a particular task to be completed. The goal is score a BINGO (row, column, diagonal) by completing five (or more) tasks from the BINGO cards. My task table contains more tasks completed than the one included in the BINGO challenge.

SELECT task, CASE WHEN task='Task27' THEN 'R1C1' WHEN task='Task32' THEN 'R1C2' ... WHEN task='Task94' THEN 'R5C5' END AS bingo FROM tasks WHERE bingo IS NOT NULL;

This query will retrieve all tasks related to the BINGO that I have completed and present them in a simple list. I would like to arrange the tasks as a BINGO card; so that I can easily see my progress on various rows & columns working toward a BINGO.

Any suggestions?

BONUS points will be awarded if the query displays a row with 5 NULL values if no tasks are completed in that row.
I don't think you've fully described your tables so I've ad libbed a little. This is not a complete solution (and certainly no bonus point) but it should give you one starting point. Your CTE will have to deal with transforming the RmCn into something more useful
create table bingo (ttype text, username text, task text, r int, c int);
insert into bingo values
('bingo','me','task0',0, 0),
('bingo','me','task1',0, 1),
('bingo','me','task2',0, 2),
('bingo','me','task3',0, 3),
('bingo','me','task4',0, 4),
('bingo','me','task5',1, 0),
('bingo','me','task6',1, 1),
('bingo','me','task7',1, 2),
('bingo','me','task8',1, 3),
('bingo','me','task9',1, 4),
('bingo','me','task10',2, 0),
('bingo','me','task71',14, 1),
('bingo','me','task72',14, 2),
('bingo','me','task73',14, 3),
('bingo','me','task74',14, 4)

with bingoline as (
select r, array_agg(task) as taskline from bingo where mod(r,5) = 0 and username = 'me' group by r
union                                                            --
select r, array_agg(task) as taskline from bingo where mod(r,5) = 1 and username = 'me' group by r
union                                                            --
select r, array_agg(task) as taskline from bingo where mod(r,5) = 2 and username = 'me' group by r
union                                                            --
select r, array_agg(task) as taskline from bingo where mod(r,5) = 3 and username = 'me' group by r
union                                                            --
select r, array_agg(task) as taskline from bingo where mod(r,5) = 4 and username = 'me' group by r
select array_to_string(bl.taskline, '|', 'nil') from bingoline bl order by bl.r;

         Bingo Card
(15 rows)

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