On May 15, 2013, at 4:42 PM, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:

> On May 15, 2013, at 3:41 PM, Clément Bera <clement.b...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> Sorry with the strike and no metro I cannot be at INRIA today. I'm at Marcus 
>> right now we will have a look at your slice now :)
> So we looked… and there is a problem with 

No! We found it! The code showing the error (in the testEnsureTricky) it this:

(String streamContents: [:s | 
                [s nextPutAll: 1 printString. 1/0] ensure: [s nextPutAll: 2 
                ] on: Error do: [s nextPutAll: 3 printString]
                ]) asInteger

The problem is that the scope of the second "s" is wrong, it should the block 
with the [:s |, but 
it is just the block one outer.

And the reason is this:

The ASTClosureAnalyzer, the visitor that analyses if a variable is to be put in 
a tempVector or is a copied var, does 

visitVariableNode: aVariableNode
        "re-lookup the temorary variables..."
        | var |
        aVariableNode isTemp ifFalse: [^self].
        var := scope lookupVar: aVariableNode name.
        aVariableNode ocBinding: var.
        var isTempVectorTemp ifTrue: [scope 
addCopyingTempToAllScopesUpToDefVector: var vectorName].
        var isCopying ifTrue: [scope addCopyingTempToAllScopesUpToDefTemp: var].

If it seems a copying temp, it puts copied vars in all scopes until it finds 
the definition:

addCopyingTempToAllScopesUpToDefTemp: aVar

        (self hasCopyingTempNamed: aVar name) ifFalse: [self addCopyingTemp: 
        tempVars at: aVar name ifPresent: [:v | ^ self].
        ^ self outerScope addCopyingTempToAllScopesUpToDefTemp: aVar.

Now for the second "s", the visit will call 

var := scope lookupVar: aVariableNode name.

again, but this lookup will find the *copy* in the outer scope and returns 
this.. so this is clearly wrong.
(but for Opal this is not a problem, as it just compiles a local access to the 
copying temp and does not
care that it has a copy...).

Now how to fix it...


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