Sorry for late response. I have not internet yesterday.
2013/5/20 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>

> On 19 May 2013 22:01, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > New TxText version 0.8 is ready:
> >
> > - editor stuff extracted to separate packages TxText-Editor and
> > TxTextTests-Editor
> > - edit decorators implemented:
> >
> > TxNoneEditDecorator- basic editing
> then maybe it should be named as basiceditdecorator?

I named it "none" edit decorator because It actually not performs any
decoration around basic editing operations. TxNoneEditDecorator just
performs it.
Concrete edit decorator can execute specific action on text to perform
requested edit operation. There are three edit operations:
#insertCharacters:at:, #removeNextCharacterAt:,
#removePreviousCharacterAt:. They take aTextSelection as "at" argument.
For example TxInsertModeEditDecorator extends text selection before
characters insertion:

TxInsertModeEditDecorato>>insertCharacters: aString at: aTextSelection
    aTextSelection isEmpty ifTrue: [aTextSelection end moveRight: aString
    aTextSelection replaceWith: aString

> > TxMaskedEditDecorator- input masked values like phone numbers
> > TxInsertModeEditDecorator - input with "insert mode" where any new
> character
> > replace next one.
> insert mode is actually opposite - inserts when you type.
> replace mode is replaces when you type.

I choose this name because on Windows you have "insert key" to activate
such mode in many text editors.

> > TxSmartCharsEditDecorator- input smart characters like ()[]{}
> > TxSingleLineEditDecorator - general way to decorate editing with simple
> > decoration format. TxSmartNumbersDecorationFormat is example. It
> transform
> > text with number format like: '10 000 000' or '10'000'000'.
> >
> btw, can you wrap decorators on top of each other i.e.
> Masked-SimgleLine
> so i could have a single-line editor for entering only a phone number?

Now with mask decorator you have single line text field. Multilined mask is
not supported (I dont try it actually). When you insert miltiline text to
masked field only first line will be used. I make such restriction to
simplify implementation. Actually I never see multilined masked field.

Decorators can not be wrapped in general way. Maybe some of it. But there
is no cases in current decorators.
Main reason: most of decorators change cursor position with very specific
way. And wrapping decorators will lead to unpredictable and useless results.

Your example Masked-SingleLine (if mask can be multilined) is not about
wrapping decorators. It is about input "filtering" . It is my next task. I
want put at text morph specification of correct input. So you can forbid
"cr" characters, can allow only numbers and etc.
And at same time decorators can restrict input by its implementation
requirements which happens with masked decorator. But edit decorators and
"filters" are different concepts (I not choose name for "filters" yet).

TxSingleLineEditDecorator implements general way to edit single line text
with simple decoration format. Maybe it should be renamed.
TxSingleLineEditDecorator transforms full text by decoration format after
any edit operation. And it saves logical cursor position after
transformation. Look at methods of TxSmartNumbersDecorationFormat as

I will be happy if you introduce more clever names. Good names is difficult
task for single brain. Especially if you are not native english speaker.
But many of you already suggest different names. How we can agree on any

Best regards,

> also, going ahead.. how easy/hard would be to implement a password input
> field,
> when model contains what user types, but display all *** chars?
> > According methods were added to TxTextMorph:
> >
> > #editDecorator: - set specific edit decorator (TxNoneEditDecorator by
> > default)
> > #inputContents - returns "native" value (undecorated).
> > #displayedContents - returns raw text model asString
> >
> > See new examples on TxTextMorph class side.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Denis
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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