Dennis, It would be great to receive your ideas about how to use mocks in
this case. Feel free to add any comment directly in the screencast at Vimeo

Thank you!

2013/6/7 Dennis Schetinin <>

> As for me, the StringCalculator kata is a very good (or better to say
> nearly perfect) demo of a classic TDD approach: small and fast steps, live
> objects… really nice!
> Though I see (feel?) some issues… mostly about factoring-out new classes
> without tests (yes, that was refactoring… but still), I believe, that's
> beyond classic approach and only top-down TDD with mocks may help to keep
> TDD pure here. (I've scheduled a task for detailed exploration of how mocks
> can be used here to provide "seamless" TDD in this case.)
> So, this screencast is a great lesson on TDD in Smalltalk.
> --
> Best regards,
> Dennis Schetinin
> 2013/6/7 Rafael Luque <>
>> Hi Dennis,
>> What do you think about the approach shown in this screencast:
>> ?
>> I'm far away from being an Smalltalk developer, but I tried to show a TDD
>> process to solve this simple kata.
>> Rafael Luque
>> 2013/6/7 Dennis Schetinin <>
>>> I don't remember exactly where and when, but I think we've discussed the
>>> Laser Game tutorial already. I told this before, and I (after reviewing the
>>> tutorial again) should repeat it again: actually, this tutorial doesn't
>>> show TDD. I can explain my opinion in detail if someone's interested, but
>>> in general, that's simply an up-front design approach with some automatic
>>> testing. It's not even "Test-First" approach most of time.
>>> Disclaimer: I don't mean the tutorial and/or the design approach used
>>> there are bad. I like this tutorial. It's really very good: it shows many
>>> aspects for Smalltalk programing, it shows how to use debugger and
>>> inspectors properly. I borrowed many ideas from there for my Smalltalk
>>> programming course… It's just not TDD, not "pure" TDD at least.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Dennis Schetinin
>>> 2013/6/7 <>
>>> Paul Davidowitz wrote:
>>>>> It seems to me that a big reason for developing via writing tests first
>>>>> (Test Driven Development) is that the tests serve as a debugging tool
>>>>> --
>>>>> if a test breaks, then the last piece of (non-test) code that change is
>>>>> likely the culprit.  But with the powerful debugging environment that
>>>>> comes with Smalltalk, I am wondering of the utility of TDD (TDD is big
>>>>> in the Ruby camp perhaps for a reason). After all, writing and
>>>>> re-writing the tests becomes quite a non-trivial chore (not to mention
>>>>> that the tests themselves could be buggy).  So my question: Is it ok in
>>>>> Smalltalk to write tests afterwards? Is it even perhaps recommended?
>>>>> - Paul
>>>> Actually some Smalltalk'ers consider the debugger a major facilitator
>>>> of TDD by mostly coding from within the debugger.
>>>> 1. Before writing any application code,  write a test.
>>>> 2. Execute that test straight away.  Of course it fails because you
>>>> haven't written any application code.
>>>> 3. Up comes the debugger - now "from within the debugger" add the
>>>> application code needed to satisfy the test.
>>>> 4. Repeat.
>>>> A good demonstration of this is Stephan Wessels' Laser Game tutorial
>>>> [1] (but you'll temporarily need to revert to Squeak 3.9 to do it)
>>>> cheers -ben

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