
The expression:

  MetacelloPlatform current defaultPlatformAttributes

will list the platform attributes at the system level (default). 

The expression:

  ConfigurationOfXXX project platformAttributes

will list the set of attributes defined for a particular configuration 
(presumably a superset of the default set).

If you look in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>defaultPlatformAttributes, you'll see 
the following:

        | attributes versionString |
        ((Smalltalk respondsTo: #image) and: [ Smalltalk image respondsTo: 
#metacelloPlatformAttributes ])
                ifTrue: [ ^ Smalltalk image metacelloPlatformAttributes ].

The method  #metacelloPlatformAttributes let's you define exactly the set of 
attributes that you want supported for pharo platforms ...

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Camillo Bruni" <>
| To:
| Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 6:41:00 AM
| Subject: [Pharo-dev] metacello conditional loading
| - where do I find a list of the magic tags I can use for conditional
| loading?
| - is `spec for: #'pharo3.x' version: '3.0'` already supported?
| thanks

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