On Tue, 25 Jun 2013, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

Hi guys

when working on a new morphic kernel, we got stuck with a really difficult to 
bug (we are still looking for it).
If new generation debugger lovers want to try. Here it is

        - load the bloc version 6 from AlainPlantec/Bloc on smalltalkHub

        - execute the snippet (alain will post the snippet because it is on his 

                        BlProtoMorph new openInWorld

                        (there is another one)

        - move the mouse and the system gets blocked.

Just type

kill -USR1 <pid>

and you'll be able to see where it got blocked.

Alternatively you can run a high priority process in the image which takes snapshots of other processes (I'd choose the UI process and the finalization process, since the former gets blocked, and the latter uses a pretty much broken data structure in Pharo) every once in a while, and writes them do disk/whatever.


After looking for it for a couple of hours here are some wishes list.

        - would be good to be able to set a haltOnce to **all** the methods of 
a **particular** object :)

        - would be good to have the equivalent of GlobalVaHoldingOneObject 
haltOnce ifTrue: [….]

        - would be nice that we can say that the object once debugged does not 
receive any other messages
        (imagine an object in a fast rendering loops and that one message 
causes problems).


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