On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:00 AM, <seas...@rmod.lille.inria.fr> wrote:

> Hi! We're sending this automatic email twice a month, to give the
> community an opportunity to easily know what's happening and to coordinate
> efforts.  Just answer informally, and feel free to spawn discussions
> thereafter!
> ### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:

Creating very simple (but not yet perfect :) jobs on jenkins for
benchmarking and vm acceptance test:
 - https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view/VM/job/PharoVM-AcceptanceTest/
 - https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view/VM/job/PharoVM-Benchmarks/

Fixing some quick easy stuff in pharo sprint

> ### What's next, until 2013-07-14 (*):

This week vacations, but I'll do something around the real pharo bootstrap

> (*) we'll be expecting results by then ;)

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