On 22 July 2013 14:13, Florin Mateoc <fmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I also liked the debate, so before it closes I want to throw my 2 cents in:
> I don't think this is an issue about inheritance (vs composition), it is one
> about multiple inheritance or lack thereof. You may want your object to be
> an announcer of events, but almost always you will also want it to be
> something else as well. To me this suggests that Announcer should be a
> trait, not a class, so in a sense, indeed, you would "compose" your classes
> using it, but you would use trait composition instead of class composition.
> In VisualAge there is a huge hierarchy underneath AbtObservableObject. Sure,
> there are many classes that want to participate in an observable pattern,
> but you should not be forced to inherit from a particular class in order to
> do that, so that is just another related example that would have benefited
> from traits.

Again, announcer of events means event source role.
It is distinct from 'delivery service' role.

When you write mail, you just drop it into mailbox, and then mr.
Postman delivers it to receiver,
but not directly yourself.
That's what you get from specialization.
But if you wanna play as mr. Postman, and also will deliver pizzas,
and fly to the moon,
this is called generalization, and straightly opposite to specialization.

> Florin
> On 7/22/2013 7:40 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
> I love this debate, but given the energy it attracted, I now apologize to
> have fueled it.
> By reading the thread, I believe that everyone involved in the discussion is
> on the same page on 99.9% of the cases, the only real difference being the
> case of the Announcer (and even there, the difference is more philosophical
> in nature).
> Would it be Ok to call it a day and move on? :)
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 21 July 2013 20:21, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > 2013/7/21 Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr>
>> >>
>> >> Interesting how many people in this list think that "Announcer
>> >> subclass:
>> >> #TxEditor" provides special implementation of announcer named TxEditor?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Many
>> >> this is composition using inheritance and inheritance should not be
>> >> used
>> >> like that.
>> >>
>> >> Announcer subclass: #GreedyAnnouncer
>> >>
>> >> Announcer subclass: #RemoteAnnouncer
>> >
>> >
>> > And if we prefer composition we should not implement such kind of
>> > hierarchy.
>> > We should implement GreadySubscriptionsRegistry,
>> > RemoteSubscriptionsRegistry
>> > or AsynchSubscriptionsRegistry and reuse existed Announcer. All
>> > subscribing
>> > and delivering logic implemented by subscription registry. Announcer is
>> > just
>> > simple delegator with convenient api to create Subscription instances:
>> >
>> > Announcer>>subscribe: anAnnouncementClass do: aValuable
>> > "Declare that when anAnnouncementClass is raised, aValuable is
>> > executed."
>> > ^ registry add: (
>> > AnnouncementSubscription new
>> > announcer: self;
>> > announcementClass: anAnnouncementClass;
>> > valuable: aValuable)
>> >
>> >
>> > Announcer>>announce: anAnnouncement
>> >
>> > | announcement |
>> > announcement := anAnnouncement asAnnouncement.
>> > registry ifNotNil: [
>> > registry deliver: announcement
>> > ].
>> > ^ announcement
>> >
>> > All magic happens inside #add: and #deliver: methods of
>> > SubscriptionsRegistry.
>> >
>> > Also announcements framework provides very nice feature: you can have
>> > announcer as last argument of event handler selector (that's why
>> > AnnouncementSubscription contains reference to announcer instance):
>> >
>> > announcer on: MyEvent send: #handleAnnouncement:raisedBy: to:
>> > aSubscriber
>> >
>> > Without subclassing YourEventsSource from Announcer you will not have
>> > such
>> > feature. Or you will need implement complex subscription method inside
>> > YourEventSource which will delegates special event handler to its
>> > announcer
>> >
>> 1. you don't need separate class to represent event source.
>> it can be any object which does:
>> announcer announce: Foo.
>> in any place..
>> I do not see any practical gains from forming a separate class for this
>> role.
>> It is barely formalizeable because the way how users creating and
>> triggering events is arbitrary.
>> 2. SubscriptionRegistry is an implementation detail. It is private. It
>> is a way how Announcer
>> doing things inside. It should be no concern of anything outside to
>> consider what it does.
>> You won't find this class in VisualWorks implementation, for instance.
>> 3. again, event source - is any object which says 'announcer announce:
>> ...'
>> It is NOT announcer, because announcer is an event dispatcher.
>> dispatcher ~= source
>> Is it so hard to see a difference?
>> When you subclass from Announcer, is that you want to say:
>> 'self announce:' , so the very same object acts both as event source
>> and event dispatcher.
>> But then , as Stef said, by subclassing you inheriting API.
>> So, what prevents me from writing following code, in my own class,
>> which uses your domain object
>> in a following way:
>> coolDomainObject := YourDomainObjectWhichInheritsFromAnnouncer new.
>> coolDomainObject on: Foo do: #bar.
>> coolDomainObject announce: Foo.
>> That i guess is not something you expected, huh? But why not?
>> As long as your object understand this protocol, and as long as you
>> don't overriding original behavior of Announcer,
>> i can abuse your object in a way you did not expected.
>> And this is a consequence of violating principle of least authority.
>> Because once you declare that we're free to use subclassing for any
>> purpose,
>> then, i can declare: i am free to use any subclass of Announcer as
>> announcer for myself.
>> Lets write random code, do not follow any rules and everyone will be
>> happy.
>> ---
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko.
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "Every thing has its own flow"

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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