On 25 juil. 2013, at 13:12, Clément Bera wrote:

> Perhaps you should add some value message so that the assertions are actually 
> run, shouldn't you ?

I always felt that e-mails lack an unsend command :D

> 2013/7/25 Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr>
> For the people following I added a test to show the homeContext of a block
> | homeContext b1 |
> homeContext := thisContext.
> b1 := [| b2 |
>           self assert: thisContext closure == b1.
>           self assert: b1 outerContext == homeContext.
>           self assert: b1 home = homeContext.
>           b2 := [self assert: thisContext closure == b2.
>                     self assert: b2 outerContext closure outerContext == 
> homeContext].
>                         self assert: b2 home = homeContext.
>           b2 value].
> b1 value 
>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 2:02 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
>> <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> thanks!
>> It makes a lot of sense.
>> I will play with another example because I want to really understand the 
>> outerContext of closure vs the home context.
>> The outerContext is a link in the static chain.  Each block is created 
>> inside some context.  This is the block's outerContext.  If the block is not 
>> nested then the outerCOntext will also be the home context  But if the block 
>> is nested inside another block activation, then the outerContext refers to 
>> that block activation, and the block activation's block's outerContext is 
>> the home context.  So there are as many outerContext steps as there are 
>> nesting levels.
>> | homeContext b1 |
>> homeContext := thisContext.
>> b1 := [| b2 |
>>           self assert: thisContext closure == b1.
>>           self assert: b1 outerContext == homeContext.
>>           b2 := [self assert: thisContext closure == b2.
>>                     self assert: b2 outerContext closure outerContext == 
>> homeContext].
>>           b2 value].
>> b1 value 
>> Ignore the "bN appears to be undefined at this point" and evaluate the 
>> above.  No assert fails.
>> Draw a picture.
>> Stef
>> On Jul 23, 2013, at 6:58 AM, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This is because of compilation optimization.
>>> 2013/7/22 Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr>
>>> Hi
>>> when I execute the following
>>> first
>>>         "Bexp new first"
>>>         | temp |
>>>         temp :=  2.
>>>         [ temp.
>>>         thisContext inspect.] value.
>>>         ^ temp
>>> tmp in the inspector is nil and does not hold 2 and I was wondering why.
>>> I thought that thisContext was returning the blockContext
>>> In the outercontext of thisContext blockClosure, tmp is also nil.
>>> This is because here 'temp.' is evaluated for effect (the value is not 
>>> stored anywhere) and it has no side effect (reading a variable cannot lead 
>>> to a modification of state of another object). So the compiler removes it. 
>>> As it is removed, it is the same as if it was not in the block. So the 
>>> block cannot access temp. Now write 'temp:= #foo' or 'temp foo' you will 
>>> get it.
>>> first
>>>         "Bexp new first"
>>>         | temp |
>>>         temp :=  2.
>>>         [ temp.
>>>         temp traceCr.
>>>         thisContext inspect.] value.
>>>         ^ temp
>>> output 2 on the transcript.
>>> In this case 'temp.' is still removed, but the value of temp still need to 
>>> be copied in the block for ' temp traceCr.'.'temp traceCr' is also 
>>> evaluated for effect, but has the side effect to output the transcript, so 
>>> the compiler cannot remove it.
>>> Basically the is very few things that the compiler removes, and one of them 
>>> is variable read for effect, because you are sure it cannot lead to any 
>>> issue.
>>> Stef
>> -- 
>> best,
>> Eliot

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