On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 1:54 PM, laurent laffont

> Hi,
> I will have one full week dedicated to Pharo, now I must decide what to
> do. One fun thing would be to write a X11 window manager (based on
> TilingWindowManager), so I could run Emacs, shells and all stuff in Pharo,
> even Pharo in Pharo :)

You mean implementing a native interface using X11?

> I've tried some months ago to translate this example
> https://github.com/mackstann/tinywm/blob/master/annotated.c  but I lack
> of NativeBoost knowledge (I suppose it's the right tool to use).

I think so too :)

> Has anyone tried this before ? Hints ?

The only thing I know is that Carla Griggio is working on Mars for Gsoc,
and for that she is working on Gtk bindings in linux... But I cannot tell
more because I really do not understand what you want to do with X11 :).

> Laurent

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