Yeah, no problem. I'll get on it right away.


On 04.08.2013, at 16:10, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:

> Hi guys
> can you rename this method?
> on: aCollectionOrStream do: aBlock
>       "Evaluates a block with a new stream based on the collection or stream. 
> Answers the result of the block evaluation. Follows the style of 
> FileStream>>fileNamed:do:."
>       | aStream |
>       aStream := self on: aCollectionOrStream.
>       [ ^ aBlock value: aStream ] ensure: [ aStream close ]
> Please do not use on:do: for something that is not about exception (and 
> announcements).
> It is too confusing and refactor after.
> Stef

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