On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I changed this method to see better what happens:
> HandMorph class>>showDebugEvent: evt
>         ShowEvents == true ifTrue: [
>                 | ofs|
>                 Display fill: (0@0 extent: 500@120) rule: Form over
> fillColor: Color white.
>                 ofs := (owner hands indexOf: self) - 1 * 60.
>                 evt printString displayAt: (0@ofs) + (evt isKeyboard
> ifTrue: [0@30]
> ifFalse: [0@0]).
>                 self keyboardFocus printString displayAt: (0@ofs)+(0@45).
>                 evt isKeyboard ifTrue: [  Transcript show: evt
> printString;cr ]
>                 ].
> KeyboardEvent>> printOn: aStream
>         "Print the receiver on a stream"
>         aStream nextPut: $[.
>         aStream nextPutAll: type; nextPutAll: ' '''.
>         self printKeyStringOn: aStream.
>         aStream nextPut: $'.
>         aStream space; nextPutAll: 'keyValue: ', self keyValue  asString.
>         aStream nextPut: $]
> set
> HandMorph showEvents:true
> Now, pressing single space, gives me this:
> [keyDown ' ' keyValue: 49]
> [keystroke ' ' keyValue: 32]
> [keyUp ' ' keyValue: 49]
> [keyUp ' ' keyValue: 49]
> Pressing delete key (or fn-backspace , for those who having a lot of
> spare fingers to use bad keyboards):
> [keyDown ' ' keyValue: 117]
> [keystroke '⌦' keyValue: 188]
> [keyUp ' ' keyValue: 117]
> [keyUp ' ' keyValue: 117]
> now, can someone tell me , why there is 2 keyUp events for each keyDown?

That I don't know

> and of course, main question is why key values are different for
> keydown and keystroke events?

That I'll dive right now into the vm to see what it is :).

> (and why delete key is not 127, but 117 or 188?)
> Editor expecting 127:
>         cmdMap at: (127 + 1) put: #forwardDelete:.              "del key"
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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