Could we not use on of the mac machine lying around to have our own space?

On Aug 22, 2013, at 2:15 PM, Christophe Demarey <> 

> Hi all,
> An hypervisor used to host slaves for the continuous integration service is 
> reaching its maximum storage capacity (primary storage used for running 
> Virtual Machines).
> To avoid VM corruptions, we preventively stopped VMs running on this 
> hypervisor.
> For the pharo ecosystem, following VMs are impacted:
> pharo
> linux-ubuntu-10-04
> test2 
> pharo-contribution
> linux64-2 74
> rmod
> windows-7-32
> They will be restarted once the storage will be extended (probably in the 
> beginning of the next week).
> If really needed, it is possible to create  new slaves to substitute to these 
> ones since they will be hosted on another hypervisor.
> Apologies for the inconvenience,
> Christophe.

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