
As part of the defense of a budget and technology choices, what would you
guys list as a key advantage of using Pharo for creating software solutions?

My current stack is:

Pharo 2.0
Seaside 3 (including Seaside-REST)
Magritte 3
Twitter Bootstrap

+ a couple of data storage stuff (DBXTalk, Phriak, Voyage)

+ Amber if needed

I've been test driving the whole stack for a while and even if there are
some quirks, it looks like good enough for what I want to achieve.

Now, my question: what is the Pharo advantage you would put forward vs
other choices (like LAMP, Java, Rails etc).

I am aware of what those could be but I am more looking for what makes you
tick when using the technology (like: "it is fun to work with", "no more
Java for me, due to ...", "speeds dev time by ...", "not

This is the kind of thing we should have in stock for helping the
Consortium members get buy in from people giving a yes on budgets.

Thanks in advance for your help! (BTW, I am going to use this on monday
morning for defending our position on a significant project).


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