>> sven can you add it to the readme so that when I turn it into a pier chapter 
>> we get it :)
> has been 
> updated
>>> Using the newly added NeoJSONCustomMapping>>#mapWithValueSchema: this is 
>>> now possible, as the following unit test shows:
>>> testDictionaryOfObject2
>>> | data json reader |
>>> data := Dictionary new.
>>> data 
>>>   at: #one put: NeoJSONTestObject2 example1;
>>>   at: #two put: NeoJSONTestObject2 example1.
>>> json := NeoJSONWriter toString: data.
>>> reader := NeoJSONReader on: json readStream.
>>> reader for: #DictionaryOfObject2 customDo: [ :mapping |
>>>   mapping mapWithValueSchema: NeoJSONTestObject2 ].  
>>> self 
>>>   assert: (reader nextAs: #DictionaryOfObject2)
>>>   equals: data
>>> Note that the mapping mechanism in NeoJSON is optional. Without mapping you 
>>> get Arrays and Dictionaries back, that you can then convert to your domain 
>>> objects in the a next step. With mapping however, these intermediary 
>>> representations are not used and maps or lists are parsed while creating 
>>> and populating your domain objects directly, which should be more 
>>> efficient. This does of course introduce the necessity of adding some form 
>>> of static typing.

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