On 23 September 2013 21:40, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 23 September 2013 16:23, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jan,
>> I think I will add the ByteArray accessor to NBExternalAddress today
>> or tomorrow since I need it as well for another project.
>> hmm, reading from memory into bytearray can be done with memory copy:
> inputs: address , offset , size to read
> newAddress := NBExternalAddress value: address value + offset.
> buffer := ByteArray new: size.
> NativeBoost memCopy: newAddress to: buffer size: size.
> same way, writing, just swap the source and destination:
> newAddress := NBExternalAddress value: address value + offset.
> buffer "is given from somewhere".
> NativeBoost memCopy: buffer  to: newAddress size: size.
> but as Jan noted, you cannot tell to write starting at specified offset
> from/to bytearray, e.g.:
> copy from: address to: buffer + someOffset
> neither:
> copy from: buffer + someOffset to: someAddress
> this  where we need to introduce special 'field address' type, so you can
> construct it like this:
> offsetAddress := buffer nbAddressAt: offset.
> so then you can use it to pass to any function, which expects address,
> like memory copy
> or any foreign function.
> Since objects are moving in memory, we cannot calculate address of field
> before hand:
> address := NBExternalAddress value:  someObject address + offset.
> because if GC will happen, after computing such address and its actual use,
> you will read/write to wrong location.

** after computing and *before* actual use **

> Thus we should keep oop + offset up to the point of passing it to external
> function, under
> controllable conditions, that guarantee there's no GC is possible.
> Things would be much simpler if we could have pinning, isnt? :)

> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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