Hi Frank,

This sounds cool. But, how do you decide how many data you generate per test 
run ? 

On 23 sept. 2013, at 11:19, Frank Shearar wrote:

> I played around with a combination of data driven testing and random
> data generation a while back:
> * http://www.lshift.net/blog/2011/09/13/checking-squeak-quickly
> * http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakCheck/
> There is a ConfigurationOf there. It integrates with SUnit by adding a
> new kind of TestCase that knows how to run theories, identified by
> pragmas. It also features the recording of a counterexample to your
> theory by generating a normal test method on the relevant TestCase
> subclass.
> I haven't touched the code in a while, but if there's interest I'd be
> happy to hack on it once more.
> frank
> On 22 September 2013 21:43, laurent laffont <laurent.laff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in phpunit there's a @dataProvider annotation, so one method returns a
>> several data sets for a test method. I'm not sure that's the best design but
>> it's nice to have one unit test result per data set. See
>> http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/writing-tests-for-phpunit.html#writing-tests-for-phpunit.data-providers
>> Translating the example to Pharo that should give something like:
>> TestCase subclass: #DataTest
>> DataTest>>testAdd: a to: b shouldAnswer: c
>>  <dataProvider: #provider>
>>  self assert: c equals: a + b
>> DataTest>>provider
>> ^ { {0. 0. 0}.
>>        {1. 0. 1}.
>>        {0. 1. 1}.
>>        {1. 2. 3} }
>> It may not be to difficult to implement in SUnit. What do you think about
>> this ?
>> Laurent
>> On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Jan Vrany <jan.vr...@fit.cvut.cz> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I actually already thought on this as I have similar problems.
>>> So far I just create a bunch of tests, passing the actual set of
>>> parameters to a common test method as message arguments.
>>> For different framework (not SUnit, but similar spirit), I introduced a
>>> notion of "parameter", each having a domain. When running test, the runner
>>> computes all possible combinations of parameter values and run the test on
>>> each such combination. I would like to have something similar
>>> in SUnit, but there are some issues. This is the feature I would like to
>>> see in SUnit 6.x, but I/we have to finish 5.0 first - I wonder if I ever
>>> find a time to do push it :-(
>>> On 21/09/13 11:06, Noury Bouraqadi wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Last ESUG I attended the cool katas session organized by Stephan
>>>> Eggermont and Laurent Laffont.
>>>> That was a good opportunity to step back and think about my TDD practices
>>>> .
>>>> To experiment with the style proposed by Laurent, I started writing tests
>>>> for a pong.
>>>> I ended up having groups of nearly identical tests:
>>>> -they use exactly the same objects, send the same messages,
>>>> -but they differ only by values.
>>>> An example, is testing the motion of the ball towards different
>>>> directions or collisions with obstacles at different locations or speeds.
>>>> Now, I wonder what is the best way to express those similar tests?
>>>> In a short discussion before I leave, Stephane told me about tables of
>>>> values. It seem that there is such a support in the ruby world in the
>>>> cucumber framework. Do we have anything similar in Smalltalk world?
>>>> BTW, the full ESUG conference was great. Thanx to local organizers, and
>>>> all people that contributed to make it a success.
>>>> Thanx,
>>>> Noury
>>>> Ecole des Mines de Douai
>>>> http://car.mines-douai.fr/noury
>>>> --


Noury Bouraqadi
Ecole des Mines de Douai

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