I would first experiment to run the critics only on the modified code, not the 
full package :)

Then you can have a pretty accurate feedback


On Oct 6, 2013, at 4:26 PM, b...@openinworld.com wrote:

> Benjamin wrote:
>> What I would like (and will probably give a try soon) is to run some critics 
>> automatically before committing a MC package :)
>> That's how it's done in WebStorm by example, and I love this feature
>> Ben
> That sounds cool.  Without having used Code Critics yet (I've just discovered 
> the menu option the Nautilus package pane), I am interested if your idea 
> would that include a diff with the critics from the previous commit?  While 
> it a full list of critic-isms is be good prompt to reduce the list to zero, 
> also useful would be knowing if any new critic-isms had been introduced in 
> this commit.  This might help at least maintain the status-quo without having 
> to solve all existing critic-isms at once, to avoid new ones being lost 
> amongst a potentially large existing list.
> cheers -ben
>> On Oct 6, 2013, at 2:19 PM, b...@openinworld.com wrote:
>>> Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>>> Hi 
>>>> I'm really happy because 
>>>>    "New Critic Rule: Nobody should directly send #methodDict" is the way 
>>>> to go. We should document the system design using         automatic rules! 
>>>> Excellent!
>>>> Stef
>>> So you could also have "Critic Rule: Should not implement system method." 
>>> Like PharoLauncher got stuck having implemented class-side method #layout 
>>> [1]
>>> btw, apart from having a separate critics browser, are the any plans to 
>>> integrate it further into the system, perhaps as:
>>> * a Critics Panel in Nautilus in the same position as the Comments Panel, 
>>> or perhaps appended to the Comment. * contextual highlighting
>>> cheers -ben
>>> [1] https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?11783

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