Thanks guys, I already tried Stephane and now Camillo's suggestion with
debug morph and works like a charm :) . Definetly makes my life a lot

btc self halt inserts a breakpoint to your code, so that execution stops
there and debugger pops up. I find all this highly fascinating because its
an area of coding that deeply interests me. Even when I don't code I love
reading Pharo code, its so nice :)

On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 7:13 PM, <> wrote:

> **
> Camillo Bruni wrote:
> On 2013-11-01, at 16:44, wrote:
>  kilon alios wrote:
>  About the problem to recreate it all it takes is a demo := AthensDemoMorph
> new openInWorld . It opens the morph with the Athens grey box, I save the
> image , close pharo, open pharo which reloads the image automagically and
> BOOM Red Box of Doom :) My other tries also are based on AthensDemoMorph
> since I cant find documentation to do things differently.
> So lets get to the questions
> 6) Also why there is a Red Box of Doom in the first place ?
>  See #drawErrorOn: call from...
> Morph>>fullDrawOn:
>   self visible ifFalse: [^ self].
>   (aCanvas isVisible: self fullBounds) ifFalse:[^self].    (self hasProperty: 
> #errorOnDraw) ifTrue:[^self drawErrorOn: aCanvas].    [
>     "calls to each Morph's drawing stuff"
>   ] on: Error do:
>   [:err |
>       "Smalltalk at: #morphDebugOnce ifPresent: [ Smalltalk remove: 
> #morphDebugOnce. self halt ].
>       self setProperty: #errorOnDraw toValue: true.
>       self setProperty: #drawError toValue: err freeze.
>       ^ self drawErrorOn: aCanvas      ]
> ---------------
> In the past I have successfully debugged a morph by adding something like the 
> commented line.  Although I can't quite remember if 'self halt' is correct.  
> Perhaps it should be 'err raise'.   Perhaps others with more experience of 
> the debugger internals can comment.
> From a workspace just evaluate 'Smalltalk at: #morphDebugOnce put: #anything' 
> before opening the morph. Or if the morph is already open and you have a 
> reference theMorph, then you can try 'theMorph setProperty: #errorOnDraw 
> toValue: false' to cause the bad morph code to run again.  You can get a 
> reference to an existing morph by enabling 'Create textual references to 
> dropped morphs' from the window menu of a Workspace - then from the window 
> menu select 'inspect variables'
> Now what would be really interesting is if in place of my commented line, the 
> debugging context of the error was serialized using Fuel to a variable and 
> then clicking on the red-square-of-death brought up a debugger on that.  
> Something like this...
> Morph>>fullDrawOn:
>   self visible ifFalse: [^ self].
>   (aCanvas isVisible: self fullBounds) ifFalse:[^self].    (self hasProperty: 
> #errorOnDraw) ifTrue:[^self drawErrorOn: aCanvas debugOn: (self property: 
> #drawError) ].    [
>     "calls to each Morph's drawing stuff"
>   ] on: Error do:
>   [:err |
>       self setProperty: #errorOnDraw toValue: true.
>       self setProperty: #drawError toValue: (Fuel 
> serializedDebuggingContextOf: err.  "***".
>       ^ self drawErrorOn: aCanvas      ]
> "*** Disclaimer: I haven't used Fuel yet, so I don't have the faintest idea 
> what the proper method here should be."
>  You have in the halo menu an entry "debug drawing error" which does what you 
> want. As you can see there is already the line:
>        self setProperty: #drawError toValue: err freeze.
>  which serializes the whole error (no need to use fuel as long as you stay in 
> the image...).
>  Thats brilliant!  I think thats new since last time I had to debug a
> morph.  I did see 'err freeze' in passing just earlier and wonder.
> However the functionality is a bit hidden.  To make it more obvious,
> perhaps #drawErrorOn: could be modified as follows...
>     self valueOfProperty: #drawError ifPresentDo: [ :error| | trace
> stringBounds |
>         trace := String streamContents: [ :s| error signalerContext
> shortDebugStackOn: s].
>         trace := 'Use Halos>Debug>debug drawing error' , String cr , trace.
> --------------------
> btw kilon, you can experiment with that by adding a '1/0' to
> EllipseMorph>>drawOn:
> and evaluating (EllipseMorph new extent: 300@300) openInWorld.
> cheers -ben

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