just go to system preferences and check to download the sources
automatically, that advice worked for me should work for you. Damien I will
try the new dmg when I get home, cause all my macs are home.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Matias Garcia Isaia

> Hi there!
> Worked like a charm in Mavericks here.
> The Pharo Loader looks superb :)
> I've installed the app with no trouble, and downloaded the latest Pharo2
> image. After launching it, the image showed a notification with this
> message:
> "Information
> Pharo cannot locate the sources file named /Applications/PharoV20.sources.
> Please check that the file is named properly and is in the
> same directory as this image.
> Make sure the sources file is not an Alias."
> I hope that says to you more than it says to me :)
> Feel free to ask for clarification, if you need any.
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Damien Cassou <damien.cas...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Mark Bestley <news{@bestley.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>> > This is due to Gatekeeper I think. I managed to open it by choosing Open
>> > in the right click menu in Finder. see
>> > <http://support.apple.com/kb/ht5290> I think you need to sign the app
>> thank you for the reference. I will have a look. I wanted to put the
>> application on the Mac App Store, but it looks I would have to pay
>> Apple and I don't want to. Hope your solution doesn't require that.
>> > The Launcher looks for and save images in ~/Library/Preferences/Pharo
>> > This is wrong it should be ~/Library/Application/Support/Pharo for
>> > general use, there is a case for using ~/Library/Containers to fit in
>> > with Apple's sandboxing.
>> I wanted to do that already. Thanks for the directory names. Do you
>> have an url where Apple discusses such directories?
>> > Or better allow us to chnage the directory
>> That's on my todo. As always, I need help. This is the kind of change
>> people can do easily (the preference mechanism is already in place).
>> So, if you want to hack on the launcher, this would be a good start.
>> > The icons are odd, trying to get a new Pharo 3 image it says hit refresh
>> > icon which took me some time to find. Although I am bad at all icons so
>> > might just be me.
>> It's not just you. I see 2 solutions:
>> - have a menu item to refresh when right clicking on the "hit refresh
>> button" message.
>> - automatically download the content when expanding the tree.
>> --
>> Damien Cassou
>> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
>> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
>> losing enthusiasm."
>> Winston Churchill

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