On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Stéphane Ducasse

> Hi usman
> I'm wondering if the change we did is good.

Too late right now to think.

So far the change is not integrated so we can still think over it.

> I'm wondering if this is important to know that we are deleting a non
> existing file.

Yes it is because now Pharo throws an exception if we do that. Try this in
the latest 3.0 image:
Display writeJPEGfileNamed: 'display.jpeg' progressive: true

I proposed a solution by changing delete to ensureDelete but the change was
rejected because it is advised to backup the deleted file before replacing
it. However, the other image types are overwritten without any error
checking. For example ImageReadWrite:

putForm: aForm onFileNamed: fileName
"Store the given form on a file of the given name."
| writer |
writer := self on: (FileStream newFileNamed: fileName) binary.
Cursor write showWhile: [ writer nextPutImage: aForm ].
writer close

So, we can retain the same policy for PluginBasedJPEGReadWriter.


> Stef
> > Hello,
> >
> > Due to the changes in Pharo 3.0, I cannot write jpeg files on the disk.
> This happens because when writing a jpeg file, we delete any precedent
> version of the file to be exported. However, now DiskStore>>delete: throws
> an exception when the file to be deleted is not present
> >
> > delete: path
> >       | pathString encodedPathString |
> >
> >       (self exists: path)
> >               ifFalse: [ ^ FileDoesNotExist signalWith: path ].
> >
> >       ...
> >
> > Hence, we need to fix PluginBasedJPEGReadWriter>>putForm: quality:
> progressiveJPEG: onFileNamed:  to not delete files not present.
> >
> > To reproduce the problem:
> > Display writeJPEGfileNamed: 'display.jpeg' progressive: true
> >
> > If confirmed, I'll open a bug report and propose a slice because
> correction is quite simple ;)
> >
> >
> > regards,
> > Usman

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