and will remain DOWN for the rest of the day.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Emmanuel Jeanvoine <>
> Subject: Re: [ci-announces] CI shutdown on the 11th of November
> Date: 9. November 2013 09:00:31 MEZ
> To:
> Reply-To: Emmanuel Jeanvoine <>
> On Thu, 07 Nov 2013, Emmanuel Jeanvoine wrote:
>> Dear users,
>> The 11th of November, the IT department will stop the national IT 
>> services. As a consequence, the CI service will be stopped.
>> In order to prevent any trouble, we strongly advice users to perform 
>> the following steps before the 11th of November (Sunday evening at the 
>> very latest):
>> - stop the Jenkins instance of your project (see 
>> - stop all the slaves related to your project (directly with a clean 
>> shutdown in the slave or from 
>> By the way, if you notice unused slaves in your project, you are 
>> strongly encouraged to removed them ("delete" button on 
>>, or "destroy" 
>> button directly on the CloudStack interface). Stopping the unused 
>> slaves is not enough to free the related resources.
>> Monday in the morning, the remaining running slaves will be stopped. 
>> After the maintenance, the Jenkins instances and the slaves will be 
>> restarted.
>> Thus we hope that the service will be fully available on Tuesday in 
>> the morning. Anyway, since it is an heavy operation (major changes on 
>> the network of the datacenter) issues might occur, so we will 
>> communicate if communication means are available ;).
>> Thank you for your understanding,
>> Emmanuel
> This is a reminder, you still have the opportunity to shutdown your 
> slaves and jenkins instances before tomorrow evening. This might be 
> useful to prevent slaves and jenkins corruption.
> Regards,
> Emmanuel

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