It is not necessary better, but it saves you from having hundreds of temp vars 


On 12 Nov 2013, at 01:49, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:

>> Example:
>> aMenu addGroup: [ :aGroup |
>>      aGroup addItem: [ :anItem |
>>              anItem name: 'Browse Full';
>>              action: [ self browseSelectedObject ];
>>              shortcut: $b command mac | $b alt win | $b alt unix  ].
>>      aGroup addItem: [ :anItem |
>>              anItem name: 'Browse Class';
>>              action: [ self browseSelectedObjectClass ] ] ].
> I do not see the value of passing block to add element to groups 
> why not the normal way i.e. passing an object. I do not get why executing
> a block with an object is better?
> Stef

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