Then foo it :)

Both way are supported, so I do not really get the point of this discussion :)


On 12 Nov 2013, at 14:21, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:

> Yes this is what I did for the change sorter. I do not like this DSL like way 
> of passing block over block over block
> over blocks.
> I love blocks but methods are named blocks and I prefer them.
> Stef
>> biut that method can be written: 
>> aMenu addGroup: (MenuGroupModel new 
>>      addItem: (MenuItemModel new 
>>              name: 'Browse Full';
>>              action: [ self browseSelectedObject ];
>>              shortcut: $b command mac | $b alt win | $b alt unix);
>>      addItem: (MenuItem new 
>>              name: 'Browse Class';
>>              action: [ self browseSelectedObjectClass ])).
>> and you do not have to declare variables for that (and is a lot better than 
>> using a block, IMO). 
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:36 AM, Benjamin <> 
>> wrote:
>>> One can just use an object too.
>>> It’s just that otherwise, it pollutes a bit the method with tons of inst 
>>> vars
>>> (and then you forget to use them :P)
>>> Ben
>>> On 12 Nov 2013, at 13:05, Esteban Lorenzano <> wrote:
>>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:22 AM, Benjamin 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> It is not necessary better, but it saves you from having hundreds of temp 
>>>>> vars :)
>>>>> Ben
>>>>> On 12 Nov 2013, at 01:49, Stéphane Ducasse <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>>> aMenu addGroup: [ :aGroup |
>>>>>>>         aGroup addItem: [ :anItem |
>>>>>>>                 anItem name: 'Browse Full';
>>>>>>>                 action: [ self browseSelectedObject ];
>>>>>>>                 shortcut: $b command mac | $b alt win | $b alt unix  ].
>>>>>>>         aGroup addItem: [ :anItem |
>>>>>>>                 anItem name: 'Browse Class';
>>>>>>>                 action: [ self browseSelectedObjectClass ] ] ].
>>>>>> I do not see the value of passing block to add element to groups 
>>>>>> why not the normal way i.e. passing an object. I do not get why executing
>>>>>> a block with an object is better?
>>>> he, I thought the same :)
>>>>>> Stef

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