
Am 05.12.2013 um 19:10 schrieb Paul DeBruicker <>:

> FWIW - The ElasitcSearch stuff only maps to Dictionaries because of an
> oversight on my part.  It should be fine if those objects materialized as
> JsonObjects.  What are you doing to get Dictionaries?  Its been a while
> since I looked at the code.  
My question does not rely on exact wording. As JsonObject is derived from 
Dictionary you can exchange the words Dictionary/JsonObject in my question. I’m 
really  on to finding a good way going from/to JsonObject/Dictionary. I can do 
it myself like you do. But if it comes to tasks I know I need more often I like 
to have something more generalized. Simple approaches have mostly just support 
for simple conversions but do not support structure changing conversion. 


> To map domain objects I usually do something custom because I usually don't
> want all inst vars being sent as JSON.  An example of what I normally do is:
> #jsonWriteOn: aStream
>       | y |
>       y := JsonObject new.    
>       self varNamesToSerializeAsJson.
>               do: [ :each | 
>                       (self perform: each asSymbol) isNil
>                               ifFalse: [ y at: each put: (self perform: each 
> asSymbol) ] ].
>       y jsonWriteOn: aStream
> and then when materializing:
> fromJson: aJsonResult
>       self varsToMaterializeFromJson
>               do: [ :eachSymbol | 
>                       | jsonObj class obj |
>                       jsonObj := aJsonResult at: eachSymbol asString 
> ifAbsent: [ nil ].
>                       jsonObj notNil
>                               ifTrue: [ 
>                                       class := MyDomain 
> classForJsonVariableNamed: eachSymbol.
>                                       obj := class isNil
>                                               ifTrue: [ jsonObj trimBoth ]
>                                               ifFalse: [ class fromJson: 
> jsonObj ].
>                                       self perform: (eachSymbol , ':') 
> asSymbol with: obj ] ]
> #classForJsonVariableNamed: just looks up in a dictionary that contains inst
> var names as keys and classes as values.  
> That all being said I'd be interested to learn a better way to do it. 
> Hope this helps
> Paul
> Norbert Hartl wrote
>> What would be the best software to map my objects to dictionaries? There
>> are a lot of packages in pharo that deal with JSON somehow. But it seems
>> none does mapping from objects to dictionaries and is standalone. We’ve
>> got
>> - NeoJSON package . Maps objects to strings directly for performance
>> reason
>> - JSON package. Maps string to JsonObject (subclassed from dictionary)
>> - Voyage magritte based mapper: Closest to what I find useful but buried
>> inside of Voyage. And I’m not sure it would be easy to factor out this
>> module as a standalone mapper.
>> - Seaside javascript… : I forgot what it really does. I often shy away
>> looking at it because I don’t want to suck in all the dependencies. 
>> I’m asking because for me this is an important asset. If we talk about
>> JSON there are three things: Objects, JSON structure (being dictionaries
>> and other collections in pharo) and JSON strings. Writing to another
>> server or to a file producing JSON strings seems to be enough. But using
>> it for another system like MongoDB or ElasticSearch this does not work.
>> Here the common interface seems to be dictionaries. With ElasticSearch
>> mapping dictionaries to JSON and MongoDB mapping dictionaries to BSON. So
>> a good descriptive way to map objects to dictionaries would be a good
>> thing to have.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Norbert
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