I don't much like this nice idea.
Why? see all the (self flags: #toRemove) and such kind of annotations in
Then tend to last much longer than due.
A todo list should have a (short) expiration date.
Maybe a method with expired todo should be purely and simply erased ;)

2013/12/12 Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com>

> Nice idea Torsten, this kind of tricks ;-)
> Maybe we can save them online somewhere ?
> gists.github.com ?
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > the mailinglist, stackoverflow and other Pharo related medias are
> typically used
> > in the "here is a question to problem" followed by an "answer from
> community" style.
> >
> > But lets also think the other way around: if we already have a solution
> for a
> > problem that others may have too or may have in the future we should
> share the
> > answer/solution as well.
> >
> > I'm sure many of you have some tricks that make developing with Pharo
> much easier
> > and others can profit from these tricks if we share them here on the
> list.
> >
> > Be it
> >  - a simple and useful script
> >  - a simple key combination other may not yet know of
> >  - a package one can use or how you use it
> >  - a link to a nice description on the web related on how to use Pharo
> >  - a custom tool that makes development easier
> >  - an algorithm or something that you think was solved very elegant
> >  - a way you solved a common problem easily in your app
> >  - ...
> >
> > Then just describe it in a few lines and post it. Also write in which
> Pharo
> > version you tried it - this makes it easier for others to see in which
> > version the trick/solution is known to work.
> >
> > The idea goes like this: if you have a trick to share then send a mail
> with
> > subject "Pharo Trick: #xxxx] - Short Description" to the Pharo dev AND
> Pharo user
> > list (see http://lists.pharo.org). Make sure to increase the trick
> counter xxxx.
> >
> > Using this special subject one can later easily get the tricks from the
> > mailinglist archive. Also others can refer to the trick if it solves a
> common
> > problem other may ask for on the list.
> >
> > Lets see if we are able to reach the goals of 100, 1000 or more Pharo
> tricks ;)
> >
> > Bye
> > T.
> >
> >
> > I will start with something easy but useful:
> >
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > [Pharo Trick: #0001] - Simple TODO
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Works in: Pharo3.0 Latest update: #30635 but should work in other
> versions too
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > If you develop an app with Pharo you may not yet fully implement all
> features.
> > Some kind of marker for future "ToDo's" is often needed. Using a pragma
> on a method is
> > the easiest solution here:
> >
> >    foo
> >      <todo: 'Add world later'>
> >      "That method is not yet fully implemented"
> >
> >      Transcript show: 'Hello'
> >
> >
> > Using a simple expression in the workspace you can browse all the TODOs
> for your
> > project afterwards in a window:
> >
> >     SystemNavigation default browseAllSendersOf: #todo:
> >
> > You can even query the system for the todo descriptions if you need the
> full
> > list of things to work on:
> >
> >   (PragmaCollector filter: [:prg | prg keyword = 'todo:'])
> >         reset;
> >         collect: [:each| each arguments first ]
> >
> > As the pragma keyword #todo: is very common and may be used by others too
> > it may be wise to use a custom one like "myappplicationTodo:" or similar.
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> --
> Serge Stinckwich
> Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
> http://www.doesnotunderstand.org/

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