I am :)

Thanks for the pointer :)
Issue reported here: https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues/119


On 23 Dec 2013, at 12:58, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds like a bug...
> Please open a bug report on https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree?
> Cheers,
> Max
> On 23.12.2013, at 12:41, Benjamin <benjamin.vanryseghem.ph...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Step to reproduce
>> git clone https://github.com/BenjaminVanRyseghem/pharo-core.git
>> And in Pharo evaluate
>> | repo names |
>> repo := MCFileTreeRepository new directory: '.' asFileReference.
>> names := repo packageDescriptionsFromReadableFileNames.
>> names do: [ : name || version |
>>      version := repo versionFromFileNamed: name first, '.package'.
>>      [ version load ]
>>              on: MCMergeOrLoadWarning
>>              do: [ :ex | ex load ] ]
>> This will apply all the packages in your Pharo image
>> Ben
>> On 23 Dec 2013, at 12:35, Benjamin <benjamin.vanryseghem.ph...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> I am playing a bit with filet tree, and it seems there is a little problem 
>>> with escaping the selector #\ and #\\
>>> If you try to export Collection and to load it back, it seems that when #\ 
>>> is exported in JSON, the key should be “\\”
>>> to escape the selector, but it’s simply “\”
>>> And then, when you try to load it, the parser escape correctly, so the 
>>> selector read is #” : “ 
>>> Because of this, the package can not be  loaded
>>> Is it a known bug ?
>>> What is strange is that it happens only twice in all the Pharo packages
>>> Ben

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