Just to share a 10 min coding session, just before lunch.

Result here:

| view stack selected statusBar |
stack := ROViewStack new.
view := ROView new.
selected := nil.
statusBar := nil.

view on: ROMouseClick do: [ :evt |
        selected == #line ifTrue: [ 
                | ex1 ex2 line |
                ex1 := (ROBox new size: 10; color: (Color purple alpha: 0.2)) 
                ex2 := (ROBox new size: 10; color: (Color purple alpha: 0.2)) 
                ex1 translateTo: evt position.
                ex2 translateTo: evt position + (100 @ 60).
                ex1 @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
                ex2 @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
                ex1 @ RODraggable. 
                ex2 @ RODraggable.
                line := (ROLine new width: 3; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.2)) 
elementFrom: ex1 to: ex2.
                view addAll: { ex1 . ex2 . line }.

        selected == #circle ifTrue: [ 
                | ellipse |
                ellipse := (ROEllipse new size: 40; color: (Color yellow alpha: 
0.2)) element. 
                ellipse translateTo: evt position.              
                ellipse @ RODraggable. 
                view add: ellipse.              

        selected == #rectangle ifTrue: [ 
                | box |
                box := (ROBox new width: 40; height: 30; color: (Color blue 
alpha: 0.2)) element. 
                box translateTo: evt position.          
                box @ RODraggable. 
                view add: box.          
        view signalUpdate.

view @ RODraggable.

stack zoomInButton; zoomOutButton.
stack addMenu: '+ line' callBack: [ :evt | selected := #line. statusBar model: 
'line' ].
stack addMenu: '+ rectangle' callBack: [ :evt | selected := #rectangle. 
statusBar model: 'rectangle' ].
stack addMenu: '+ circle' callBack: [ :evt | selected := #circle. statusBar 
model: 'circle' ].
stack addMenu: 'Info' callBack: [ :evt | UIManager default inform: 'Vectorial 
editing is hyper cool' ].

stack addView: view.
stack title: 'Vectorial edition'.

"Status bar at the bottom of the window"
statusBar := (ROElement new) + ROLabel + ROBox white.
stack add: statusBar.
ROConstraint stickAtTheBottomOfTheWindow: statusBar.

stack open

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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