Wow wow!!!!



On Jan 15, 2014, at 4:12 AM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:

> I took a bit of time and added gapFraction support for horizontal bar 
> diagram. It is not quite solid yet (it needs some refactoring), but the core 
> is in place. We have to adapt the vertical bar diagram as well.
> There are two tests that fail, but I do not quite understand why:
> In any case, now if you execute this in the very latest Moose image:
> MessageTally new spyEvery: 1 on: [10000 timesRepeat: [Collection 
> withAllSubclassesDo: #printString]]; yourself.
> You get this (I still seem to have problems with the alignment of the inner 
> bars):
> <Inspector on a MessageTally (nil(...oIt).png>
> Doru
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 10:44 PM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Good work!
> But, there is still something I do not quite understand. Take a look at the 
> produced image. Why is it that in the first red bar appears behind the gray 
> one, and the rest appear in front of the corresponding gray bars?
> Related to the GapFraction: Could you describe what makes it such an 
> expensive issue to compute the width of the bar with a bit of scaling? I am 
> asking because this particular diagram does not work without it.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> <Screenshot 2014-01-08 22.40.58.png>
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Daniel Aviv Notario 
> <> wrote:
> So, attending to the request Doru made, here's something similar to the 
> example he provided in EyeSee... All the methods were already implemented but 
> most of them didn't have a clear accesor to modify them.
> So, if you just load the last version of GraphET and do this:
>  builder := GETDiagramBuilder new.
>  grouped := { #item1->{10 . 12 . 11 . 14 } . #item2-> { 1 . 1 . 20
>  }
>  . #item3->{ 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1} }.
>  diag := (GETVerticalBarDiagram new)
>  modelLabels: [:each | each key ];
>  y: [:each | each value size];
>  yAxisLabel: 'Count';
>  valueAxis;
> height:200;
> spacing:20;
>  yAxisOnRight;
>  color: Color veryLightGray;
>  axisColor: Color veryLightGray;
>  models: grouped;
>  yourself.
>  diag2 := (GETVerticalBarDiagram new)
>  y: [:each | each value sum];
>  regularAxis;
> height: 200;
> spacing:20;
> yAxisLabel: 'Sum';
> color: (Color red);
>  axisColor: (Color red);
>  models: grouped;
>  yourself.
>  (builder unionDiagram)
>  add: diag;
> add: diag2.
>  builder open
> You'll see it's very similar. There's two things I couldn't replicate so far, 
> one of them is the rotating labels, as Roassal can't rotate labels yet, and 
> the second one was the GapFraction, as axis in GraphET need some work yet, so 
> implementing that kind of thing would be hard. I think I'll dedicate to a 
> proper axis in the next couple of weeks.
> Cheers :)!
> > > >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > > >>> From: Tudor Girba <>
> > > >>> Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 10:39 PM
> > > >>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Feature for request for GraphET?
> > > >>> To: Pharo Development List <>
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> Here is one thing I would want: a correspondent Graph-ET
> > > >>> functionality to make something like this EyeSee script work as
> > > >>> in
> > > >>> the first attached picture.
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> renderer := ESDiagramRenderer new.
> > > >>> grouped := { #item1->{10 . 12 . 11 . 14 } . #item2-> { 1 . 1 . 20
> > > >>> }
> > > >>> . #item3->{ 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1} }.
> > > >>> diag := (ESVerticalBarDiagram new)
> > > >>> identifier: [:each | each key ];
> > > >>> y: [:each | each value size];
> > > >>> yAxisLabel: 'Count';
> > > >>> valueAxis;
> > > >>> rightYAxis;
> > > >>> defaultColor: Color veryVeryLightGray;
> > > >>> axisColor: Color veryVeryLightGray;
> > > >>> models: grouped;
> > > >>> rotatedLabels: true;
> > > >>> yourself.
> > > >>> diag2 := (ESVerticalBarDiagram new)
> > > >>> y: [:each | each value sum];
> > > >>> regularAxis;
> > > >>> yAxisLabel: 'Sum';
> > > >>> gapFraction: 2 / 3;
> > > >>> defaultColor: (Color red);
> > > >>> axisColor: (Color red);
> > > >>> models: grouped;
> > > >>> yourself.
> > > >>> (renderer compositeDiagram)
> > > >>> add: diag;
> > > >>> add: diag2.
> > > >>> renderer open
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> <Screenshot 2014-01-04 22.31.57.png>
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> The best I could produce with Graph-ET is this (I commented out
> > > >>> the
> > > >>> message to which I did not find a correspondent):
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> builder := GETDiagramBuilder new.
> > > >>> grouped := { #item1->{10 . 12 . 11 . 14 } . #item2-> { 1 . 1 . 20
> > > >>> }
> > > >>> . #item3->{ 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1} }.
> > > >>> diag := (GETVerticalBarDiagram new)
> > > >>> "identifier: [:each | each key ];"
> > > >>> y: [:each | each value size];
> > > >>> yAxisLabel: 'Count';
> > > >>> valueAxisLine;
> > > >>> "rightYAxis;"
> > > >>> color: Color veryLightGray;
> > > >>> "axisColor: Color veryLightGray;"
> > > >>> models: grouped;
> > > >>> "rotatedLabels: true;"
> > > >>> yourself.
> > > >>> diag2 := (GETVerticalBarDiagram new)
> > > >>> y: [:each | each value sum];
> > > >>> regularAxis;
> > > >>> yAxisLabel: 'Sum';
> > > >>> "gapFraction: 2 / 3;"
> > > >>> color: (Color red);
> > > >>> "axisColor: (Color red);"
> > > >>> models: grouped;
> > > >>> yourself.
> > > >>> (builder compositeDiagram)
> > > >>> add: diag;
> > > >>> add: diag2.
> > > >>> builder open
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> <Screenshot 2014-01-04 22.36.40.png>
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> Cheers,
> > > >>> Doru
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"

Alexandre Bergel

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