On 17 January 2014 21:22, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Thanks Igor! :)
> After trying in in a fresh Pharo3.0 Latest update: #30703 I loaded slice
> 12674 the
> test for NB are green and
>     (NBExternalTypeValue ofType: 'NBInt64').
> now finally works. With this now "PUnQLite" package can be loaded again in
> Pharo 3.0
> without errors:
>     Gofer new
>       url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/MasashiUmezawa/PunQLite/main';
>       package: 'ConfigurationOfPunQLite';
>       load.
>     (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPunQLite) load
> The examples from https://github.com/mumez/PunQLite work, EXCEPT one:
>     "Import from files"
>     db := PqDatabase open: 'mczCache.db'.
>     (FileSystem workingDirectory / 'package-cache') files do: [:each |
>        (db importAt: each basename fromFile: each pathString)
>            ifTrue: [db commitTransaction].
>      ].
>      db keys inspect.
>      db close.
> which first gives an "PqCursor" error and when run for a second time leads
> to
> a hard VM CRASH (on Windows 8). Anyone able to reproduce?
> Note that one requires UnQLite library to reproduce which is prebuilt here:
>   https://github.com/mumez/PunQLite/tree/master/binary
> I guess it is somewhere in #importAt:fromFile: which uses memory mapped
> files...
If you will stuck for real, feel free to send me a .zip file containing
everything prepared vm+image+dll+doit in workspace to reproduce it, so i
can take a look.
No guarantees i will be able to find anything, however ;)

> Bye
> T.

> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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