> The Pharo fork made me sad too.  I wonder sometime if I had put in more time
> if I could have helped settle the rift and keep the community together.
> There is a lot of good work going on with Pharo now so maybe the fork was a
> good thing but I do wish we could all be working on one code base instead.
> I'm sure I will get used to the split eventually.

Hi ron 

What I can tell you is that I invested a lot into squeak (I’m still the guy 
with the largest number of books about squeak: sbe, botsinc, squeak(fr)),
videos, lectures, journal articles, web site, so it was not an easy solution. 
But this was an important one 
to keep my smalltalk love and not jump into something or quit definitively.
I still want a really cool system to build multimedia systems of the future and 
for that I dream about robust and cool (clean, lean nicely designed) 
infrastructure. So we will see where we go. 


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