On Feb 1, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Pharo4Stef <pharo4s...@free.fr> wrote:

>>> If your students have problems to grasp the concept of pool dictionaries 
>>> then how do they deal with mathematics and computer science?
>> Given enough time, no problem. But time in class and outside is limited 
>> enough as it is. 
> No johan even if I multiply by two the amount of time you have you will not 
> spend time on such uninteresting concept when 
> we have so much more beautiful concepts to show.

There is a difference between being able to do it, and me wanting to to it :-). 
I don't want to because of the same reasons as you, apparently. I am just 
defending my students here :-)

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Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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