On 10 Feb 2014, at 16:35, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So, if i understood correctly,
> ESUG spent more money last year running GSoC than it received from Google.
> Which literally means ESUG budget lost some money.
> Shall any students/mentors/ESUG affiliates be enraged about that fact?
> Or did smalltalk community in general lost because of that? 
> I may be wrong (because sure thing i am biased asshole), but as to me both 
> answers will be 'no'. 

We even *decided* to spend more money, because people told us it would be 
unfair if not 
(and they where right).

I just remembered the discussion, not that we even solved that already last 

The whole discussion started because of my mail and I am kicking myself for 
having send it
in the first place: THERE WAS NO PROBLEM LAST YEAR. 

We just need to think about what to do this year, this is what I wanted to say 
in the original mail,
because what we did last year we could do last year but not again.

Now this mail will not help anything and just add to the mess… I am really 
sorry for having started
the whole discussion.

(instead of a relaxing weekend to be productive I am now an unproductive mess 
after a weekend
without sleep… not good).


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